Meaning Autologous blood
What does Autologous blood mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Autologous blood. You can also add a definition of Autologous blood yourself


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Autologous blood

Autologous Blood (donation) is Blood drawn from one individual to be given back to that individual, or a close very Blood match designee, as the need for transfusion arises. Exclusive or supplemental [..]


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Autologous blood

Autologous refers to cells, tissues or even proteins that are either reimplanted or given back to the same individual as they come from. Autologous blood is therefore blood that is collected and transfused to the same individual. Some advantages of autologous blood type will always match, even with a rare blood type or antibody type. The risk of ex [..]


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Autologous blood

Blood drawn from one individual to be given back to that individual, or to a genetically identical designee, as the need for transfusion arises.

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